
  willgogogogogo歌曲   声明:本文翻译为沪江英语原创   最近好像特别流行搞10年盘点?   于是英大就心血来潮去搜了搜这10年的网络流行语Top10,想看看它们有什么变化。   结果……   结果发现2010年的人是不是有病啊哈哈哈哈哈哈,然后2011年、2012年一直到2017年也没有好到哪去,可想而这明年我们看今年的流行语应该也是同样的感觉。   好了,那么废话不多说,我们给你把2010年到2018年的年度十大流行语都搞了个双语版,一起来看看你到底能忍受都少尴尬吧!   -   2010年   2010年的人是真喜欢谐音,另外,当时的人好像还挺淳朴?一些民生新闻也上榜了。   No. 1   神马都是浮云   Everything will have explanation.   No. 2   给力   Empowering   No. 3   我爸是李刚   My father is really important.   No. 4   一个非常艰难的决定   A really difficult decision.   No. 5   羡慕嫉妒恨   I want. I envy. I go insane.   No. 6   菲警   Philippine police   No. 7   鸭梨   Pearessure   No. 8   蒜你狠   Tough garlic   No. 9   微博   Weibo   No. 10   我勒个去   What the fucking hell?   -   2011年   2011年似乎突然从新闻联播变成了QQ空间体,不得不说,当年的人对黑话的需求真是低碳环保啊。   No. 1   我反正信了   Anyway, now I believe it.   No. 2   Hold住   Hold it up.   No. 3   有木有   Now look who is talking.   No. 4   伤不起   Can't afford to be hurt.   No. 5   卖萌   Trying to look cute.   No. 6   坑爹   Father's karma.   No. 7   你妹   Your sister.   No. 8   悲催   Misie misie   No. 9   普通青年、文艺青年、二B青年   Normal teenager, literature-loving teenager, problematic idiot teenager with intellectual impairments.   No. 10   蛋定   Hold your balls.   -   2012年   2012年不知道怎么了,主画风突然变成了“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间”。   No. 1   正能量   Positive energy.   No. 2   你幸福吗?   Are you happy?   No. 3   元芳,你怎么看?   What do you think of it, Waston?   No. 4   屌丝   Loser.   No. 5   XX Style   Whatever style.   No. 6   躺着也中枪   Happen to be the collateral damage.   No. 7   高富帅   Tall, rich, handsome guy.   No. 8   中国式   China style.   No. 9   压力山大   Overwhelming stress as overwhelming as a mountain.   No. 10   亲   Dear   -   2013年   2013年又是一次画风突变,不知道为什么,大家都变得话痨了,流行语基本也都是一长串。   No. 1   土豪,我们做朋友吧   Let's be friends, rich one.   No. 2   我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了   My little buddies and I were just shocked.   No. 3   待我长发及腰,xx娶我可好   When my hair reaches my waist, can you marry me?   No. 4   何弃疗   Why did you give up your therapy?   No. 5   累了,感觉不会再爱了   I'm tired. I don't think I'll fall in love again.   No. 6   我去年买了个表   I bought a watch last year.   No. 7   高端大气上档次,低调奢华有内涵   High-end and gorgeous while low-key and layered.   No. 8   打败你的不是天真,是无鞋   What beat you is not innocence, but naiveness.   No. 9   喜大普奔、人艰不拆、不明觉厉、十动然拒   Everybody is happy and spreading the news. Life is already hard, why making it clear? I don't know what it is but I bet it's awesome. That is really nice, but no.   No. 10   帮汪峰上头条   Let's help Uncle Wang get a headline.   -   2014年   可能是去年的话痨画风玩腻了,2014年大家转回了古早风味的言情小说体,这画风是真的太美不敢看额。   No. 1   且行且珍惜   Live and cherish what you have.   No. 2   你家里人知道吗?   Does your family know this?   No. 3   画面太美我不敢看   This is too beautiful for my eyes.   No. 4   萌萌哒   Bubbly-bubbly cute.   No. 5   现在整个人都不好了   Now I feel totally fucked.   No. 6   也是醉了   Now I've got drunk.   No. 7   我只想做个安静的美男子   I just want to be a pretty boy quietly.   No. 8   什么仇,什么怨   What on earth happened between you?   No. 9   No zuo, no die.   .............   No. 10   有钱,就是任性。   Rich, and spoiled.   -   2015年   好吧,果然只能文艺一年,2015年的画风突然又比2014年粗放了几个数量级,我们当时在想什么?现在的我们已无从考正。   No. 1   重要的事情要说三遍   What's important has to be mentioned 3 times.   No. 2   世界那么大,我想去看看   It's such a big world. I want to go and see it.   No. 3   然并卵,城会玩   But it didn't really work. You city guys really know how to have fun.   No. 4   Duang~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   No. 5   明明可以靠脸吃饭,偏偏要以才华   Already having a pretty face but still insisting on winning with talent.   No. 6   我想静静   I wanna go somewhere quite.   No. 7   吓死宝宝了   That's just too horrible for a cute baby like me.   No. 8   内心几乎是崩溃的   I'm almost devastated inside.   No. 9   日了狗了   It's like I just fucked a dog.   No. 10   主要看气质   It's all about your vibe.   -   2016年   长句的时代已经终结,2016年开始我们的流行语就抖音化了,四个字已经很多了好吗?   No. 1   蓝瘦香菇   Sard and warna cly. (Sad and wanna cry. )   No. 2   厉害了,我的哥   Cool, my bro.   No. 3   洪荒之力   Primitive energy.   No. 4   友谊的小船说翻就翻   Friendships can get tossed in any moment.   No. 5   葛优躺   Ge You style reclining.   No. 6   一言不合就。。。   Do sth. without even a warning.   No. 7   撩妹   Flirt with chicks.   No. 8   我不会这样轻易地狗带   I will not die this easily.   No. 9   老司机带带我   Dear experienced driver please teach me.   No. 10   没想到你是这样的XX   I've never noticed you're such a......   -   2017年   到了2017年,总算是正常一些了,嗯,单从90后的视角看是这样的。   No. 1   你有freestyle吗?   Do you do freestyle?   No. 2   扎心了,老铁   That really hurts, man.   No. 3   贫穷限制了我的想象力   Poverty has limited my imagination.   No. 4   你的良心不会痛吗?   Doesn't your conscience feel anything about it?   No. 5   惊不惊喜?意不意外?   Feel surprised? Feel off-guard?   No. 6   请开始你的表演   Now please start your performance.   No. 7   还有这种操作   So people really do this.   No. 8   尬聊   Murdering chatting.   No. 9   戏精   Drama queen.   No. 10   皮皮虾,我们走   Let's go, mantis shrimp.   -   2018年   去年,这画风终于稳定了,稳定在全都不知所云的地方了,这10个你都还记得吗?   No. 1   沙雕   Idiot dick.   No. 2   热skr人   It's rrrrrrrrreally hot here.(舌头要弹)   No. 3   燃烧我的卡路里   Burn my calorie.   No. 4   冲鸭!   Run! Forest, run!   No. 5   安排上了   Arranged.   No. 6   是个狠人   Really a badass.   No. 7   真香!   Whatever, this is good!   No. 8   你是魔鬼吗?   Are you a demon?   No. 9   家里有矿   What, you have a mine back home?   No. 10   出来挨打   Come out and take the punch.   ~~~   好的,就这么愉快地盘点完了,真是有意义的人类学考察呢。   那么,你觉得2019年现在出了什么流行语吗?   请来留言区说出你的pick吧。   粉丝福利   送书啦!   花两分钟,帮英大填一份问卷,就有机会抽取双语对照名著。   ↓长按识别二维码↓   PS:英大还会随机筛选出50位粉丝加入「沪江英语官方粉丝群」。   你不仅有机会直接接触到我们可爱的小编,甚至还能决定我们的推送内容!   什么wanttogo的歌曲下载
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